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Nancy’s Maven story: Finding empowerment and confidence on the menopause journeyNancy’s Maven story: Finding empowerment and confidence on the menopause journey
Nancy’s Maven story: Finding empowerment and confidence on the menopause journey

Learn how Maven member Nancy used Maven to reduce her menopause symptoms and thrive at work and at home.

Arushi and Ankur’s Maven StoryArushi and Ankur’s Maven Story
Arushi and Ankur’s Maven Story

“Being a physician myself, I was surprised at how convoluted the healthcare system is. I know it from the other side, and still, as a patient, it was so hard to navigate...I’m so grateful to have Maven support us.”

Justine’s Maven Story: Loss, joy, and finding your village Justine’s Maven Story: Loss, joy, and finding your village
Justine’s Maven Story: Loss, joy, and finding your village

Justine, a new mom, found care she needed with Maven on her journey to parenthood.

Casey’s Maven Story: Parenting support from the newborn to school-aged years
Casey’s Maven Story: Parenting support from the newborn to school-aged years

Third-time mom Casey accessed Maven through her employer Vynamic for support through every step of the parenting journey.

Shane’s Maven Story: Inclusive support for expectant dads
Shane’s Maven Story: Inclusive support for expectant dads

Maven empowered first-time dad Shane with personalized support and care throughout his family-building journey.

Pamela’s Maven Story: Care that is always there
Pamela’s Maven Story: Care that is always there

Pamela, a Maven member and new mom, describes Maven as, “everything you could ever want to help you through your pregnancy and beyond.”

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