Emily, a Sales Director at Maven, and her partner Max, sought care and advice from Maven to guide them through their pregnancy and postpartum journey: Max used Maven to support Emily and their baby, Leo. Through 24/7 access to telehealth appointments, they were able to get the answers and support they needed, when they needed them.
Care, answers, and advice at the touch of a button
Emily and Max set out to prepare for their first child — and leaned on Maven’s network for advice and answers in the months to come. “We were the one of the first of our friend group to get pregnant, so we didn’t have many people we trusted to ask questions. We didn’t want to turn to Google, or ask a bunch of strangers on the internet, so Maven really was a lifesaver,” said Max.
They spoke to a variety of different providers on the platform at every step of the journey. As Max describes it, “we can talk to someone no matter the time of the day, and have the peace of mind knowing that we can get the help and answers we need.” Max and Emily routinely booked appointments with a variety of providers as the due date drew near, ensuring they had all the information they needed to feel comfortable and prepared. Without Maven, they would have had to wait for in-person appointments
A crash course in fatherhood
As a first-time father, Max had a lot to learn, both in terms of supporting Emily, but also in preparation for Leo . He read Maven emails, attended virtual classes, and spoke with providers just as often as Emily before and after the baby was born. “Before Maven, I was clueless about the entire pregnancy process and my only reference of someone going through labor was from movies where the birth scenes are so dramatic.” Through educational content on Maven and through appointments with virtual providers like Doulas and childbirth educators, Max felt as confident and prepared as he could for the life altering experience of having a child.
“For a new parent, it’s a huge driver of engagement. There’s no administrative burden, you just log on, click a few buttons, and quickly get what you need,” said Max. “Maven armed me with amazing resources to be the best partner I could be for Emily.” When Emily went into labor, Max messaged their Maven providers, and implemented advice and pointers in real-time to better support Emily through her 16 hours of labor.
Continuous postpartum support for dad
After Leo was born, Emily and Max continued to rely on Maven for answers and support throughout the postpartum period. “Our postpartum experience at the hospital felt very rushed, and not very nurturing. It was still COVID times and the staff just couldn’t devote more time to answering our questions,” said Max “If we didn’t have Maven during postpartum, during the first two weeks of Leo’s life, I don’t know what we would have done.”
Emily experienced issues with breastfeeding after Leo was born. The Lactation Consultants at the hospital recommended they seek third-party assistance with breastfeeding, but because of the pandemic, Emily and Max weren’t keen on trying out several different doctors in different buildings with a newborn baby.
“They all have different opinions: you couldn’t realistically go see three different lactation consultants, but on Maven you can meet with unlimited providers, get different tips and opinions much quicker,” said Max. Emily said the lactation consultants on Maven saved her breastfeeding journey and Max liked the fact they gave pointers on ways he could also provide support.
Parenting with confidence
With Maven as a trusted source for information and care, Emily and Max have been able to confidently navigate their parenting journey. As they’ve discovered, everyone has a different opinion on the right way to parent, “most people tend to share what worked best for them,” says Max. “You’ll realize so quickly once you have a kid how many questions you’ll have. It’s great to have a trusted resource for information that I can seamlessly access whenever I need it. Maven allowed me to be the best partner to Emily and dad to Leo."
To find out more about how Maven can help all men and women in your organization find the answers and care they need, request a demo today.
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